Hello world,

I suppose that this is my first proper blog post of my own on my own site, (previous posting on Businessmedia and Mixcloud doesn’t count), so what shall I write?

Well, the rest of pegerteg.com gives a good overview of who I am and what I do, between the About, Portfolio and Etc sections, so I suppose this post should introduce this part of the site; the blog.

I intend to make this blog a conglomeration of all my favourite blogs and a reflection of my personal tastes, so expect a variety of waffle about new observations, events, music, film, television, art, photography, sport, cars, and general internet miscellany.

In many ways it is the logical extension of my long-time journal, Petes Pad, only with all the wonderful benefits of online technology. So whilst there may be more personal entries now and again, it will all be written in the rambling reporter style I have always favoured.

It’s a new year, a new decade, and a new chapter in my writing career, so drop by whenever you like, leave a comment if the content warrants it, and even write me an email if you feel really passionate; but most of all, enjoy…